Scoops from the left. El Diario de Marka and the counterrevolution of Shining Path. Years 1980-1982


  • Diego Alonso Ortiz Ortigas


newspaper, left, news, terrorism, uncertaintly


This article has proposed to expose the positions and criticisms that were made about the terrorist group known as Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) and its violent actions from a new journalistic platform, such as El Diario de Marka between the years 1980-1982. But to understand this newspaper, it must be clear that it was a project of various tendencies of the Peruvian left, being closely linked to the Izquierda Unida (United Left) but without crossing the line between independency and being a partisan newspaper. Thus, part of the uncertainty is how part of the uncertainty that was experienced in those initial years of the Internal Armed Conflict and how it was perceived by a sector of the Peruvian left is exposed.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Ortigas, D. A. (2023). Scoops from the left. El Diario de Marka and the counterrevolution of Shining Path. Years 1980-1982. Journal of the Place of Memory, Tolerance and Social Inclusion +Memoria(s), (4), 191–211. Retrieved from



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